[office sound] Listen to Krystal's opening sound [office sound] Krystal channeling her grandma


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Ohhhhhhhhhhh Spirit of Grandma...please present yourself...oh, please channel your soul to mine...oh Spirit...

OHH, hi, I didn't see you. I'm Krysal--don't have a last name. I think long names are bad Karma--they clutter the aura surrounding oneself. I just started with vegout.com last week. People get spooked with me, and so I go from job to job. I don't mind though. A job is just a physical manifestation of your inner body. My body is just a shell encompassing the true me. I have reached self-actualization and it's very difficult for the living to understand me. I have to channel those who are no longer with us, as they are the ones that understand where I coming from. I am just an outsider, looking in... Oops, just a moment--Grandma just connected...
Hi Grandmother...how are you? I am fine. You were right...the magnet around my neck does help me swallow my food better...the pins in my face are helping also--I can feel the pain, and thus have reached self-actualization quicker...when can they come out? They are interfering a bit with the magnet...
Grandma, I have realized that Feng Shui is the quintessential decoy in discovering truth. Everyone is so busy rearranging furniture, that they have forgotten to look from within. I have realized that life does trully begin from within, without furniture...I am gonna give up all my worldly possessions, except for my horse, Ruby... ...I cut his tail off so that he could liberate himself from the burdens of imbalance.
Grandma, grandma! Are you there? Come in Grandma! DAMEON? Dameon, get off this channel! Sorry Grandma...anyhow, someone is here, so I have to go. I will keep the candle burning for you. Can we channel Wednesday night after Yoga? Bye!


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